

A defibrillator in now available in the telephone box next to the Butchers Arms.

This is for public use in an emergency. The following light-hearted video shows how to access the device. Check out the village acting squad!!

What 3 Words for the Defibrillator: rush.parsnip.bucked

Heart attack or Cardiac arrest? Have a read of this useful flyer URL link icon

Contact Southam Safer Neighbourhood Team:

01926 684984

Southam Police Facebook Page URL link icon

Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch latest news URL link icon

Neighbourhood Watch Annual Impact Report for 2023 URL link icon

SMART WATER – Priors Hardwick is a SmartWater village

SmartWater traceable liquid URL link icon

Some useful information from Warwickshire Police about burglary reporting, and avoidance

Web link to Warwickshire Police burglary page URL link icon

Rural Crime awareness

Click here for an article about rural crime URL link icon

Rural Crime Team Facebook Page URL link icon